How-To Software Technical

Factory Reset / Hard Reset a Samsung Galaxy S5

After a few weeks of playing with the Galaxy S5 its time to box it up and send it back, but not before factory resetting this bad boy. How To Factory Reset the Galaxy S5? To perform a factory reset of the Samsung Galaxy S5, go to Settings > User and backup > Backup and […]

News Software Technical

Stack Exchange for Android

The site where “expert answers to your questions” has the answer for us on the go in today s mobile times. A mobile application to access this ever growing and fast network of tech folks who  answer questions based on diverse topics ranging from software, hardware, photography and even how to make a bed. Setting […]

How-To News Software

How to Enable Data Compression & Bandwidth savings in Google Chrome Mobile Application

A new feature in Google Chrome Mobile which allows you to enable compression to  save on data usage is available. To enable this feature the following needs to be done: If you don’t have Google Chrome installed – download it from the Play or App Store. Once you have it downloaded and installed open Google Chrome […]

News Technical

CyanogenMod 10.1.0 Release

If you haven’t heard the news, now you know. The CyangenMod team has released version 10.1.0 to be a general release. You will soon see files available on their servers (go to As always, you will see a list of devices and while some like Exynos based Samsung devices may have been left out […]

How-To Software Technical

favicons of mobile devices and tablets

Yes! More on this again. Adding this post for a a few who may need more info. Apple iOS has supported touch icons, also Android also has apple-touch-icon support. For web pages that don’t specify a custom touch icon, a thumbnail screenshot of the page is used instead (iOS Devices). Android has a default icon, and some […]

News Personal Technical

Apple Icons and Your Website

With the big jump in the mobile market places browsing the internet and the way websites are accessed and utilized have changed. Many of us put our hands in the marketability of our web properties pool by making optimizations and much efforts to be appealing to our visitors and search engines. So why stop there […]