How-To Software Technical

Disable Windows Firewall On Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core

After my install of Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core, I wanted to manage the system via RSAT and Remote Desktop. However the firewall was preventing me from completing such tasks. That said, this is how we can disable the firewall From the command prompt type the following command: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off […]

Hardware How-To Technical

Enable SNMP on ESXi5

Looking to enable SNMP to do some external monitoring on my ESXi Boxen. I took a quick dive into the CLI and found a way to do this. Using our friend putty, I connected to my ESXi host via SSH. I then changed directory to the /etc/vmware/ folder: ~ # cd /etc/vmware/ ESXi 5 doesn’t […]


Can you ‘find’ it

Today I had someone ask me how to find a file on the Linux box that had been using. I quickly responded to this person with the following find -name “somefile.example”   I just thought I’d share more right from the man pages. findutils is actually made up of 4 utilities: find – search for files […]


Convert thick disks to thin provisioning | ESX

Got Space? I don’t Seeing how it’s not possible to convert a VMWare Guest VM’s from ‘thick’ to ‘thin’. I will provide some simple info on how to clone the disk into a ‘thin’ disk. Once completed the original ‘thick’ disk can be deleted # remote into your ESX Server # service console can be […]