
Linux – Find Out CPU Information

“Dr. Chandra, will I dream?” – HAL-9000 You can use /proc/cpuinfo file or use the lscpu command to get info about CPU architecture. It will display information like: Number of CPUs, Threads, Cores, Sockets, etc… Open a terminal and type the following command: less /proc/cpuinfo You cal also just type: lscpu for the same results

Hardware Technical

Task Manager Info

If you have taken a look at Windows Task Manager, and wondered what does all this mean. This brief guide should help you understand what these values represent. The performance information is broken down into four categories: CPU, Physical Memory, Kernel Memory, and System CPU: CPU (Central Processing Unit) usage represents the percentage of CPU capacity currently being used by […]

Software Technical

And there I found htop…

So I had been looking for something to give me system stats about memory being used and CPU usage.  I have usedthe program ‘top’ over the years, and then today I tested out the program hTop (htop). Htop is an interactive system-monitor process-viewer written for Linux. It is designed to replace the Unix program top. […]


Monitor your Ubuntu System with saidar

saidar is a curses-based application to display system statistics. Statistics include CPU, processes, load, memory,swap, network I/O and disks I/O along with their free space. saidar utilizes libstatgrab library. libstatgrab is a library that provides cross platform access to statistics about the system on which it’s run. It’s written in C and presents a selection […]

Software Technical

What Is Hyper-Threading?

Hyper-Threading is a technology included by Intel first in their Netburst line of parts. Hyper-Threaded processors present their individual processing cores to the system as if they are two processing cores. To use Intel’s parlance, that means that each physical core appears in the operating system as two logical cores. While the OS can distinguish […]