How-To Software Technical

HowTo Upgrade OpenMediaVault

Here are some quick and simple steps to upgrade your OpenMediaVault (OMV) to the latest version; OMV 1.0  (Kralizec). SSH into your OpenMediaVault server; in my case I am running OMV 0.5 and run the following command: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && omv-update Then type the following command: omv-release-upgrade Once completed you can either […]

How-To Software Technical

CrashPlan on headless debian server

I had been interested in using a backup solution for my photos when I came across CrashPlan. The price for one was a quick sale and the idea of being able to backup “unlimited” data from a single computer just seemed to fit what I had been looking for. I recently changed my home file […]