
Are we there yet?

It seems Sony is making a move to bring the PSN (PlayStation Network) online. In a recent post (link), we were all thanked for our patience during this outage and that service is being restored.   While this is not all happening at once it does give us a glimpse at the silver lining of this […]


Sony to make good on PSN Outage

It seems in the wake of all that has happened Sony is attempting to make some form of restitution to its users for the downtime.   As you know many of us PlayStation Users have been affected by this outage.  Even I have ranted on about leaving my PS3 to the wolves and jumping ship.   Well […]


is temporarily unavailable…

“The PlayStation Network is temporarily unavailable …” I guess the term temporary is a period of time in excess of 5 days or more. Sony also indicates they sincerely regret the PlayStation Network suspension due to a breach in their security and are making efforts to resolve the problem by re-building their systems.  This puts […]

How-To Software Technical

PS3 Media Server – Remix

For several weeks now I have been running PS3 Media Server ( hosted on Ubuntu 10 Desktop (, when I decided to fine tune my environment by making the system headless as I had no need to interact with a desktop environment. Info: PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant UPNP Media Server which can […]


Headshot: PlayStation 3 Linux Support Dead

While there has been some talk & ‘buzz’ about this for some time now Sony has announced that it is removing the PlayStation 3’s “OtherOS” feature in the console next firmware update schedules on April 1st, 2010.  What does this say?  Goodbye to homebrewed games and many of the nice tools that made your PS3 […]