Software Technical

Exchange Remote PowerShell Broken in Windows 10 Anniversary Update

So you updated to Windows 10 Anniversary and now have found yourself unable to connect to a remote PowerShell sessions. I noticed this in my management of Exchange Online in Office 365 after upgrading to Windows 10 version 1607 aka Anniversary Edition. In my attempts to connect, as I have done in the past: I encountered a […]

News Technical

Windows 10 – Cortana and search stopped working – build 10041

  When I first installed Windows 10, Cortana was working   I didn’t jump into using it right away but later came back to find that it no longer functioned at all. “Are you mad bro” comes to mind.   I would like to avoid a clean install to get this working but seem that […]

News Software

Windows 10 Windows Updates using P2P Technology

Hey Folks, It seems that Windows 10 has the capability of downloading Windows updates using a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol. Seems like a smart move to deliver their software to end users. After all we are all connected these days. The new option that allows Windows 10 users to enable this feature that will speed up downloads due […]