Personal Technical

I’m Running FreePBX & Asterisk (Ver.

Well this IT guy is happy about his work installing and setting up Asterisk / FreePBX + Google Voice. I now have a cool little system that will allow for me to use the full “FREE” part of Google Voice and the power of a PBX System Who could ask for anything more?   OK! […]

Personal Technical

In and Out

After rebuilding my FreePBX configuration from the ground up, I was able to get 2 Google Voice numbers setup on my system.  I later found out I had one slight issues that I am trying to work out… The trouble I am having is with the ‘outgoing’ calls.  They work, but here is the issue… […]

How-To Personal Technical

I was wrong AT&T is NOT blocking my SIP

Well a bit of egg on ones face isn’t a bad thing.  Failure to admit to it is… So I was thinking about this issue during my date around the house and playing with the kids and when I had some time to review what was going on I got to thinking.  Perhaps this is […]


Is AT&T blocking SIP

Last night I installed a SIP client (CSipSimple) on my phone, and it worked perfectly on my wireless network.  So I said to myself, what about 3G.  I gave it a few test and while I get the inbound and can make outbound calls.  There is lack of voice data being sent.  This was a […]

How-To Technical

How to change your host-name in CentOS

I knew how to do this in Ubuntu but doesn’t see to be the same in CentOS. Here are the steps Login via the console or SSH in Goto /etc/sysconfig/ Type nano network Change the HOSTNAME to your preferred servername Press CTRL X > Y > Enter Log off or reboot There may be other […]

How-To Software

Install htop to Redhat or CentOS (5.X) Linux

htop is an interactive process viewer for Linux, which is a powerful alternative to the start ‘top’ utility. Some of the benefits of htop: Supports mouse interactions Better sorting and selective display Color formatted display Resource graphs Process treeview Installing htop To install htop to Redhat or CentOS (5.X) Linux easily via the yum package […]