Setting up a new installation of Lync Server 2013 I encountered an issue after being notified b the Lync Server 2013 install prerequisite check that Windows Identity Foundation was required. I found my way to the download site and grabbed what I though was the correct install where I got the following error: Installer encountered […]
Month: October 2014
Finally I can Watch Netflix in Ubuntu
Hi all, I just read on the Ubuntu insights that watching Netflix is now a thing for Ubuntu. Recent efforts have finally paid off and Canonical, Ubuntu now supports it when using Google Chrome version 37 and above. I big thanks goes out to those at Netflix and Ubuntu for making this “official”. I’ve personally […]
“If you think you can or you can’t – you’re right!” – Henry Ford
Here are some quick and simple steps to upgrade your OpenMediaVault (OMV) to the latest version; OMV 1.0 (Kralizec). SSH into your OpenMediaVault server; in my case I am running OMV 0.5 and run the following command: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && omv-update Then type the following command: omv-release-upgrade Once completed you can either […]
In a previous post I wrote about my Exchange 2013 CU6 Adventure and how it caused my Exchange Replication Services to crash. That wasn’t the only issues faced after updating to CU6. It seems that the CU6 upgrade had crippled my ability to use the POP3 service. I have been waiting for a week now for […]
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month
We all know the internet is a part of our day to day life. We use the Internet at work, home, for entertainment, and for social engagements. However, there are risks involved to our security which is only increasing. These risks include fraud, theft, social pressure abuse. No one, is immune to these threats. National […]