News Software

Facebook Video Calling (Powered by Skype)

With a simple and straightforward method of using, Facebook video calling is simply awesome. To get up and going with using the video feature you first need to install a plugin ( and from that point on you have what is necessary to use this new feature.   Making a video call is easy. Look […]

How-To Personal

Reset PS3 Video Setting

This short write up is for a friend who needs to know how to reset his video so that he can move away from composite video (blah) to HDMI (come get some). Make sure the system is off. Hold down the Power Button for a few seconds (about 5) – until you hear the second […]


MK9: Fatalities

BARAKA FATALITY 1 – (punch) ← → ↓ → (1) FATALITY 2 – (punch) → → ↓ ↓ (3) PIT FATAL. – (vary) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (3) BABALITY – (jump) →←→ (4) CAGE (also: JOHNNY CAGE) FATALITY 1 – (touch) → → ← ↓ (3) FATALITY 2 – (punch) ↓ → ↓ → (4) […]

Personal Technical

“Why is there no /var/log/messages any more?”

Woah!  I just noticed this was missing.  I have used this for many years as my go to location for messages in my Ubuntu Linux environments. With the newest update of Ubuntu this seems to be gone.  {Shocker}   But, there is no need for worrying… The logs I was looking for are in /var/log/syslog. […]


The Daily Reboot —

There are times when you had a bad system and know it.  And the action to keep it available is rebooting daily.  While I am not in favor of the reboot, it may be necessary.  So I use the following steps on a pesky Ubuntu server I know. Log into your Ubuntu server and ‘sudo […]


Kernel Panic Reboot (Ubuntu)

While I never had this happen on my Ubuntu Web Server, I have known a system in my life that seems to panic and lock up. Ubuntu Server doesn’t have this enabled by default, so I enabled it by adding the following to /etc/sysctrl.conf ‘kernal.panic=60’ This will auto reboot my server 60 seconds after a […]