How-To Technical

Linux Commands, And More Commands

I have posted about commands in the past. I am now ‘rebooting’ that post adding additional commands that I find useful. File Transfer: $ scp somefile.txt server:/tmp Secure copies somefile.txt to remote host /tmp folder $ scp sysadmin@server:/www/*.html /www/tmp Copies *.html files from remote host to current system /www/tmp folder $ scp -r sysadmin@server:/www /www/tmp […]


The su Command: Elevate Yourself

OS:  Unix / Linux Often called the “Super User” command. The su (short for substitute user) command makes it possible to change a login session’s owner without the owner having to first log out of that session. Although su can be used to change the ownership of a session to any user, it is most commonly […]


System of a Admin

System of a Admin – Coming Soon | Blog Site where those of us tech folks can share info and help others in doing so.