News Software Technical

Tech Short: Let’s test for POODLE or SSLv3

First thing that came to my mind when reading about POODLE was how can I test, followed by what to do to patch/fix this. So the first thing is to test for the vulnerability. And from all I have read so far is that you are vulnerable if your servers support SSLv3. I am confident that […]

News Software Technical

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)

You are on vacation or spending the weekend at the beach. Like normal your using your laptop or smartphone.  You may be computer savvy; so you don’t allow onlookers view you typing your secure passwords. But its not those that you can see you need to worry about. Its the person watching your network activity; […]

News Technical

dSploit – An Android network penetration suite

Not to cause paranoia; Just know that there are people out there looking to compromise your security, especially when you are using wireless networks via your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. One of such tools are the well known tool called dSploit. dSploit, a security toolkit for Android, makes that process so simple anyone can do it. This network […]

Software Technical

How secure are the apps you use on Smart Phones

In my last post I wrote a very brief how-to on how to Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler by making it a network proxy. I did just that and the results for a few app’s have upset me. Mainly because it exposes not only my password and user id, it exposed the content […]

How-To Software

Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler

This method applies to any device on your network where you can change the values of the network proxy. I sought out this information with the intent to learn how secure are some of the the mobile applications I had been using day to day were. And when I’m sick with a head-cold the mind […]