How-To Software Technical

My Quick TOR Socks / Web Proxy

I originally preformed similar steps to setup a raspberry pi for this reason, later using a very tiny Ubuntu server install. Using a clean Ubuntu / or / Debian installation (recommended, not necessary) add the following repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb <DISTRIBUTION> main to figure out the name of your distribution. A quick command to run […]

How-To Software

Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler

This method applies to any device on your network where you can change the values of the network proxy. I sought out this information with the intent to learn how secure are some of the the mobile applications I had been using day to day were. And when I’m sick with a head-cold the mind […]

How-To Technical

Play Minecraft through TOR

This little how-to is more of a way to pass socks proxy parameters to a java app, however my focus here is on doing this with the Java game Minecraft over the TOR Network. Why you ask? Because I wanted to know if it was possible and if I could do it. Items Needed: Minecraft Account […]

News Technical

Raspbian Wheezy Squid Proxy

“I am learning all the time.  The tombstone will be my diploma.”  ~Eartha Kitt Hello Friends, I am back again with an update on my most recent Raspberry Pi (Rasp~ Pi) minimal image; This time around I have added a Squid Proxy Server to the mix. Like that of my previous post I am still running on top of […]

How-To Software Technical

Tunneling Firefox traffic over SSH

Paranoia, Security or Privacy Issues; All are reasons why I tunnel my web traffic though a SSH Tunnel via a remote machine.  In most cases I do this because I do not trust the network I’m on and don’t want to send unencrypted traffic through it.  In some cases firewalls or local network DNS prevent […]