How-To Technical

Disable hyper-threading on a Poweredge R720xd

I was asked to disable hyper-threading on one of our Dell PowerEdge R720XD servers. Looking in the BIOS it doesn’t stand out as an option however it does exist. You simply need to select the logical processor setting and set its value to disable and this will in turn disable hyper-threading, because it will only report one logical […]

News Software

Retrieving Facebook Images – Yours or Friends

Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other. – Arthur Schopenhauer You find yourself looking at your photos, photos of friends and family. Then are those times you view the photos of those you are fond of. Only to strangely, almost […]


Microsoft’s fight against Poison Ivy

Info of what is known: Poison ivy (Backdoor:Win32/Poisonivy.E) is a backdoor trojan that allows unauthorized access and control of an affected machine. It attempts to hide by injecting itself into other processes. The following system changes may indicate its infection: The existence of the following file: c:windows:svvchost.exe The existence of the following registry entry: “StubPath” With data: “c:windows:svvchost.exe” in the subkey: HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftActive […]

News Software

Fiddler + Telerik

“A man should never neglect his family for business.” – Walt Disney There has been some exciting news in the software community of Telerik. They just acquired Fiddler! On top of that the maker of Fiddler, Eric Lawrence will join the staff of Telerik, leaving Microsoft to be a member of the team. And its obvious why […]


Sleep Study

Tonight (last night, the other night, last week, by the time for you the reader reads this, last year) I find myself at a sleep center to get a better understanding of my sleeping / snoring. Its a good thing to take ones health seriously and I am doing just that. For so long I […]

How-To Software Technical

SQL Server backup in multiple parts

“It’s so logical and so simple. Fat is the backup fuel system. The role it plays in the body is that when there’s no carbohydrate around, fat will become the primary energy fuel. That’s pretty well known.” – Robert Atkins Recently I have been working with my dB Administrator to get some DR backups to our […]