How-To Software Technical

CrashPlan on headless debian server

I had been interested in using a backup solution for my photos when I came across CrashPlan. The price for one was a quick sale and the idea of being able to backup “unlimited” data from a single computer just seemed to fit what I had been looking for. I recently changed my home file […]


WOTD: Pontificate

pon·tif·i·cate /pänˈtifiˌkāt/ Verb (in the Roman Catholic Church) Officiate as bishop, esp. at Mass. Noun (in the Roman Catholic Church) The office of pope or bishop. Synonyms papacy “A true suicide is a paced, disciplined certainty. People pontificate, “Suicide is selfishness.”

News Personal

Minecraft @

I recently been introduced to the world of minecraft. It seems that my two nephews and daughter are very interested in playing this game. So why not build a server and host it so they can have hours of enjoyment. Best of all its a place where they can bend the rules to work for them, also […]

How-To Technical

Verizon FiOS Router DLNA Issues

Recently I noticed an issue with my FiOS router no longer allowing my DLNA Clients to connect to my PS3 and MiniDLNA Server when connecting over wireless. My wired clients were unaffected by this issue. Firmware Version: 20.19.8 Model Name: MI424WR-GEN2 Hardware Version: E After some tinkering I discovered that IGMP Proxy settings was causing my problem. […]


Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, […]

How-To Technical

Enable SNMP on ESXi 5.

So you want to enable SNMP on ESXi 5 and finding a lot on Google and Bing regarding using the vicfg- command run in the CLI, only to find out that the command doesn’t exist in your install of ESXi5? Well you have come to the right place. I enabled SNMP and this is how: […]