How-To Software

Installing Open-VM Tools on Ubuntu Server

I have been using Ubuntu Server to host many of my projects here at home; everything from my media servers, testing systems and web/blog site. I have install the VMware tools in the past and ran into issues or just found them to break. At best I just need the minimal the tools offer, and this […]


Stupid Bad Men…

The following short conversation took place between my 2yr old son and I. my son: daddy is that your job? me: no, but use to be close to it. my son: can we go there to the tall building. me: no they fell down. my son: why… me: bad men knocked it down. my son: […]


Enable root in Ubunut

Annoyed with using sudo, and su -i to elevate yourself to root to do things. I was so I just typed sudo passwd and set a new password and now I can log-on as root. Cool Huh?

News Technical

Raspbian Wheezy Squid Proxy

“I am learning all the time.  The tombstone will be my diploma.”  ~Eartha Kitt Hello Friends, I am back again with an update on my most recent Raspberry Pi (Rasp~ Pi) minimal image; This time around I have added a Squid Proxy Server to the mix. Like that of my previous post I am still running on top of […]


Rid the world of older versions of IE

In an shared attempt to get users who are currently using Internet Explorer 8 or below sites all across the internet are planning a cause an internet blackout on October 26 2012. This movement will be for one day only, and will block users from accessing sites if they are on IE8 or below. I […]

How-To Technical

mount windows share using cifs

Once again I am tinkering with my Raspberry Pi doing things.  Now I want to mount my windows share remotely to move files around, also extend my storage remotely. As always I share how to do this with some simple steps. To mount a remote Windows share In Debian Squeeze you need to make sure that […]