Software Technical

MapiException: TooManyMountedDatabases when mounting database

I was hit with a nice error when attempting to mount several Exchange databases on my new Exchange 2010 SP2 server that I had setup in a lab envionment for production testing. The error: ——————————————————–Microsoft Exchange Error——————————————————– Failed to mount database ‘IJ’.IJFailedError:Couldn’t mount the database that you specified. Specified database: IJ; Error code: An Active […]


Windows Server 8 named Windows Server 2012

A few days ago Microsoft has announced that the Windows Server 8 will be named Windows Server 2012. This was made known at MMS (Microsoft Management Summit) on April 17, 2012.  I just found out about it myself.  Not a big shocker for me.  I just wanted to share the news and keep the cycle of informaiton […]

How-To Software Technical

Openfiler – case of the missing storage

Today I was doing some cleanup on one of my Openfiler SAN Servers, in an attempt to recover unused disk space when I encounter an odd issue of the storage not being reclaimed. After waiting sometime I decided to investigate this problem. Opening putty, I SSH’ed into the server and was able to see that […]

Software Technical

Outlook rules not working after Exchange 2010 migration

Last night I moved my email account from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010.  All went well with the move and email flowing as expected.   Outside of the issue of me not having email sent to my phone or the ability to check webmail all else was fine. I decided that I had reached the end […]

News Software

Enter the Matrix Console

There is something out there and if you follow the white rabbit you might just find something, even if it isn’t what you were orginaly looking for.  With that I offer you the blue pill to some Ubuntu terminal fun. The program name is cmatrix.  What a fitting name because what the terminal program does is scroll matrix code text […]

How-To Software Technical

YouTube Video Issues in Google Chrome

Recently I have noticed the following issue when I was viewing videos on YouTube with Google Chrome.  All YouTube video’s seem to have this green car added to the top of the video and also look blurry. I also noticed that the color seems to be distorted. The odd thing is that other sites don’t […]