News Technical

Android Device Manager

Attn: Rachel If you lost your phones, perhaps it was stolen; or your simply want to track your teen on his / her android phone or device. Google has a solution for that with its new Android Device Manager. With the Android Device Manager you can: Ring your device: this allows you to cause your phone to […]

Software Technical

Windows 8: Remove Old Wireless Network Profiles

Recently I changed wireless access points with another of the same name. Rather than the name remaining “” in windows it changed to “ 2”. Perhaps just me, but I found this to be a little annoying. So I jumped in the command line (as administrator) and performed the following steps Opened the command prompt […]

News Technical

Xfinity Cable TV/Phone/Internet Services

I have recently become a homeowner and now in my new home I was forced to change Phone, TV and Internet Services. For many years I have been a very happy Verizon FiOS customer. The thing I will miss most about FiOS is the price and the internet speeds. It was a sad day when I […]

Software Technical

Android Device Manager: Unknown Location

Today I wanted to have some fun with the new Android Device Manager and find my phone to test out this new feature. I ran into a snag when I logged in. The site was unable to find my device, giving me the message: “Unknown Location”. If your like me and want to correct this, you […]


jermsmit’s Minecraft server – Back online!

After about 2 weeks of downtime. Minecraft @ is online once again. Hopefully all has been restored to its normal operation status. Please join me along with all the other players for some building and adventure fun. See you all soon! – jermsmit


System of a Admin

System of a Admin – Coming Soon | Blog Site where those of us tech folks can share info and help others in doing so.