News Software

Enter the Matrix Console

There is something out there and if you follow the white rabbit you might just find something, even if it isn’t what you were orginaly looking for.  With that I offer you the blue pill to some Ubuntu terminal fun. The program name is cmatrix.  What a fitting name because what the terminal program does is scroll matrix code text […]

How-To Software Technical

YouTube Video Issues in Google Chrome

Recently I have noticed the following issue when I was viewing videos on YouTube with Google Chrome.  All YouTube video’s seem to have this green car added to the top of the video and also look blurry. I also noticed that the color seems to be distorted. The odd thing is that other sites don’t […]

How-To Software Technical

My thoughts on how to keep your data safe

I think that data security should be one of the top concerns for computer users. If your computer is stolen, often the impact of confidential or proprietary data being lost or compromised can be much higher than the cost of replacing computer itself. There are many easy ways of keeping your data out of the […]

How-To Software Technical

Test your anti-virus product

I was thinking tonight about anti-virus programs used today.  And with the many malware attacks that aim to cripple your anti-virus solution, how can one test if its working or not. To get past that fale sense of security; because what we don’t know will hurt us.  That said I suggest using a test virus (known virus saved on […]

How-To Software Technical

Command-line + ESXi Fun

I had some time to tinker after an upgrade of my system Wanted to learn something new, and play I found some useful commands The first useful command i could run is to list all registered guest on my host. vim-cmd /vmsvc/getallvms Get power state of a VM vim-cmd /vmsvc/power.getstate <Vimid> From the image above you […]

How-To Software

2 Skype’s 1 Computer

For those of you who understand the topic reference. Shame on you. Doing some digging on how this would work i came across the following help document from our friends over at Skype (now, Microsoft) on how to run multiple Skype clients on a single desktop session. The procedure was shockingly simple to do. From the Windows taskbar, […]