
Update On PlayStation Network: Hacked

It’s been about 4 days that the PlayStation Network has been down.  Sony official admits that its been three days; Whatever!   Last night our friends at Sony admitted to being hacked which is why they chose to take-down the PlayStation Network along with other services. To Quote what was written on PlayStation blog: Posted […]

Hardware How-To Software Technical

ESXi 4 on USB Thumb Drive

I have no doubts there are many people writing about this; so add me to the list.  I wanted to setup my small ESXi 4 Server to boot from USB media so that I no longer needed to have a local drive in the machine I use as a server. Using VMware Player and a […]


PlayStation Network Down (Again)

It would seem once again Sony’s PlayStation Network is down again. After trying many of the online tips and even going as far as to boot my router (problem is so not my router) this issue persists. It seems that Sony has responded to the issue and acknowledges there are ongoing problems, but offer not […]


Facebook – Up, Up, Down, Down

It seems that Facebook is down once again. After a while of troubleshooting my computer, then my home network. Its official! It’s not my side where the problem exists. Faced with this I took a walk over to the folks at to checkup on the up-time of Facebook… It seems they are indeed having […]

News Personal

Sony PlayStation Error 80710B20

It seems Sony’s PlayStation Network is once again down.   This morning I was not able to get online “Error 80710B20” when I attempted to log into my PlayStation Account.  For now its unknown as to why this is happening.  All support steps provided have failed me.  I will update this post with new info I […]

How-To Software Technical

Tunneling Firefox traffic over SSH

Paranoia, Security or Privacy Issues; All are reasons why I tunnel my web traffic though a SSH Tunnel via a remote machine.  In most cases I do this because I do not trust the network I’m on and don’t want to send unencrypted traffic through it.  In some cases firewalls or local network DNS prevent […]