
Capture PuTTY Session Logs

In the past week I have had my good share of working on remote systems where I needed to utilize the tool PuTTY to issue commands; not all of them documented. To assist me in documenting my steps I often use the session logs. However this normal has been a manual process in the heat of […]


IT Security Seminar with FBI Cyber Division

Yesterday I attended a joined seminar with Virtuit Systems & FBI Cyber Division. Focal areas: Ransomeware and Zero-Day Attacks and How to fight against them Opening with a one (1) hour discussion: Guest Speaker: Philip Frim, Supervisory Special Agent with the FBI’s Newark Division. Topics Development of FBI’s Cyber Division Program Computer Analysis and Response […]

How-To Technical

Linux Commands, And More Commands

I have posted about commands in the past. I am now ‘rebooting’ that post adding additional commands that I find useful. File Transfer: $ scp somefile.txt server:/tmp Secure copies somefile.txt to remote host /tmp folder $ scp sysadmin@server:/www/*.html /www/tmp Copies *.html files from remote host to current system /www/tmp folder $ scp -r sysadmin@server:/www /www/tmp […]


7 Tips For All New Employees To Read – Dale Carnegie

Sharing is caring. So I am sharing something I received from Dale Carnegie 1. Make A Great First Impression – Before starting, practice what you will say when introducing yourself; think about all of the questions people might ask you and develop your answers. Choose honest, concise responses, but be sure to be friendly. Don’t forget […]

How-To Technical

How to Remove Users From the Office 365 Deleted Users

And… its time to purge those 365 deleted users. Although we can wait for the retention policy to do it for us. I wanted to do this “now”. I had wrote the following steps in the past and thought I would share here. [Press Start] To delete the account for one or more users Sign […]


QOTD: “for whom the bell tolls”

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” – John Donne