After a quick LAMP install, I decided to install PhpMyAdmin. Logging into I noticed a warring message that read: The mcrypt extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration To resolve this I attempted the following: Elevated my console to root (sudo -i) apt-get install mcrypt apt-get install php5-mcrypt (no need because the previous command […]
Tag: Linux
Here are some quick and simple steps to upgrade your OpenMediaVault (OMV) to the latest version; OMV 1.0 (Kralizec). SSH into your OpenMediaVault server; in my case I am running OMV 0.5 and run the following command: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && omv-update Then type the following command: omv-release-upgrade Once completed you can either […]
A while back I wrote about how I setup a small yet effective Tor network proxy server titled “My Quick Tor Socks / Web Proxy“. After running this for sometime now I wanted to get some real time status, but more than that I wanted it to look cool. And this brings me to what […]
I originally preformed similar steps to setup a raspberry pi for this reason, later using a very tiny Ubuntu server install. Using a clean Ubuntu / or / Debian installation (recommended, not necessary) add the following repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb <DISTRIBUTION> main to figure out the name of your distribution. A quick command to run […]
This is a video by our buddy Zedomax on rooting the Galaxy S4. This method is only for root access, its not a video on installing custom recovery, so please enjoy and remember to subscribe to his YouTube Channel. . This method works on all Qualcomm Galaxy S4 running Android 4.2.2 including: AT&T SGH-i337, T-Mobile […]
You can identify what information is sent from the browser to the remote web server using a Linux tool called netcat (nc). Netcat is often referred to as a “Swiss-army knife for TCP/IP”. Its list of features includes port scanning, transferring files, and port listening, and it can be used as a backdoor. Simply run netcat […]