If you ever needed to clone a USB, SD Memory card, etc. Using Win32DiskImager is a excellent program tool for the job. Win32DiskImager, enabled you to save and restore raw images to removable media. I have been using this for my Raspberry Pi installs and other USB Bootable media as a way to quickly backup and […]
Tag: Tools
I can’t wait to play with this free software called Z-Hire. Z-Hire is a employee provisioning that handles account creations in Active Directory, Exchange, Lync. With just a few simple clicks (one click) accounts for Active Directory, Exchange, and Lync will be created. Z-Hire doesn’t just assist those account administrators with creating new accounts; It simplifies […]
This is my computer. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My computer is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My computer, without me, is useless. Without my computer, I am useless… And while there isn’t a true computer users creed; […]
You can identify what information is sent from the browser to the remote web server using a Linux tool called netcat (nc). Netcat is often referred to as a “Swiss-army knife for TCP/IP”. Its list of features includes port scanning, transferring files, and port listening, and it can be used as a backdoor. Simply run netcat […]
The Active Directory Replication Status Tool (ADREPLSTATUS) analyzes the replication status for domain controllers in an Active Directory domain or forest. The Active Directory Replication Status Tool (ADREPLSTATUS) analyzes the replication status for domain controllers in an Active Directory domain or forest. ADREPLSTATUS displays data in a format that is similar to REPADMIN /SHOWREPL * […]