News Personal

vSphere 6.5 release notes & download links

  This weekend I had the fun of getting my hands and feet wet with installs of VMware’s ESXi 6.5 and vCenter 6.5. The links below should be useful to any of you looking to learn about the new release and download bits to install. Release Notes: vSphere / ESXi 6.5 vSphere Client (HTML5) 6.5 vSphere […]

How-To Software Technical

VMware Flings: Embedded Host Client Update

I am excited about the release of VMware Labs Flings release of  version 3 of the Embedded Host Client. For those of you who find yourself out of the loop at time, no worries it happens.  Here is some details about the the embedded host client: The Embedded Host Client is written purely in HTML and JavaScript, […]

How-To Technical

OVF Deployment Issue Ubuntu Snappy 15.04-stable (5 cloud)

When you have time, you do something. Tonight I was headed over the Ubuntu site to grab me the latest version because I was thinking of installing OpenStack when I noticed on their landing page and noticed “Get Ubuntu Core” ; yes something new. But where is my Raspberry Pi? No worries they have OVF […]

Software Technical

Tech Short Q&A: What is vCenter Single Sign-On For

What is vCenter Single Sign-On? vCenter Single Sign-On is a feature of VMware vCenter 5, 6 and future vCenter implementations that is an authentication broker which also creates security tokens providing a secure way of accessing your environments. This token exchange mechanism is far superior than the former requirement of each component authenticating separately with a directory service such […]

News Software Technical

vCloud Air – I want it

From our friends over at VMware we now have news of vCloud Air. A public cloud platform built on the trusted foundation of vSphere, compatible with your on-premises data center, that includes infrastructure, disaster recovery. With vCloud Air  you can migrate existing onsite virtual machines (VMs) to the public cloud.  vCloud Air’s billing mode uses the IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) […]

How-To Software Technical

Disable warnings when SSH is enabled vSphere ESXi 5

The following steps are what I used to disable this warning on top of my VSphere Client to manage my ESXi 5.x servers. Select the ESXi 5.x host server in your Inventory Select Configuration Select Advanced Settings on the left under the Software menu Once selected find your way to the bottom where UserVars is […]