Every time I want to do bad, she’s there to remind me that I’m good. – Jermal Smith 2014
Author: jermsmit
I am looking for a way to run a instance and have it revert back to its snapshot every 24 hours. I started toying around with the idea to use the vim-cmd features however there doesn’t seem to be a way to set a task for this. So far here are the steps I used […]
So here we are again, on the edge of the most wonderful time of the year. After hours we have found this years tree, and for the next 24 hours we will wait for the branches to open up and then its time to decorate it for the Holiday. Below is some info about the jermsmitmas […]
Several homeless people were asked to write down a fact about themselves to share with others who just simply dismiss them and pass on by. You may be surprised by the answers. For all we know the person that could have could have made a breakthrough in the fight to cure Cancer could be among […]
Why we do what we love
Working at a software company gives me the opportunity to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Infragistics held a round of interviews with developers on why they enjoyed what they do from day to day. This was put on video and shard to the world. I rather enjoyed the video and after seeing it […]
One of my new kids on the block asked me a question tonight; “Jermal, how do I get the mx record of a domain?” To retrieve mx record information we need to use a tool called nslookup which is available in Windows and Linux The quick syntax use is nslookup [-option] [hostname] [server] Example of […]