How-To Software Technical

Error FileAccessDenied (JET_errFileAccessDenied …)

I ran into the following message when running an operation on one of my Exchange databases: Operation terminated with error -1032 (JET_errFileAccessDenied, Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use) after 10.79 seconds. The operation’s I was attempting was an integrity check on a database (ESEUTIL /G database_filename.edb). When this failed with the error […]

Software Technical

Unresolved Error: Server 2012 – Event 1000, Application Error

I came across an issues with my Windows Server 2012 / Exchange 2013 RU2 Server. After an unexpected shutdown message I was able to find out the faulting application which caused the reboot was LSASS. There was an event message in the system event log of: The process wininit.exe has initiated the restart of computer […]

News Software Technical

Freeware Active Directory, Exchange, Lync provisioning tool

I can’t wait to play with this free software called Z-Hire. Z-Hire is a employee provisioning that handles account creations in Active Directory, Exchange, Lync. With just a few simple clicks (one click) accounts for Active Directory, Exchange, and Lync will be created. Z-Hire doesn’t just assist those account administrators with creating new accounts; It simplifies […]

How-To Software Technical

Primary target IP address responded with: “451 5.7.3 Cannot achieve Exchange Server authentication.”

In my previous post I was banging my head over an Exchange 2013 issue. I was able to finally resolve it. And it took some steps to do so… 451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with: “451 5.7.3 Cannot achieve Exchange Server authentication.” After an Exchange 2013 Install I found myself having issues with […]

How-To Software Technical

Exchange 2010 SP3 Upgrade Error

I just got finished with upgrading my Exchange 2010 Server to SP3 in preparation for next weeks online of Exchange 2013. During the service pack upgrade I encountered a few issues: After the prerequisite test the upgrade failed due to my antivirus software Upgrade failed due to the Exchange MMC being open by other users […]


How To Create Shared Mailbox In Exchange 2010

Open the Exchange Shell and type the following command: New-Mailbox shared –shared –userprincipalname If the mailbox was already a user mailbox and you are converting to shared type the following command: Set-Mailbox -Identity -Type Shared You can now verify that the box is indeed a shared mailbox by typing the following command: Get-Mailbox […]