How-To Software

Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler

This method applies to any device on your network where you can change the values of the network proxy. I sought out this information with the intent to learn how secure are some of the the mobile applications I had been using day to day were. And when I’m sick with a head-cold the mind […]

Software Technical

How to Find Hardware Devices in Linux with lshw

I needed to know the exact serial number of a failed disk drive in a software RAID set. I used the lshw tool to list out the drives on my system so that I could identify the disk that had failed. This tool will list the the hardware you are running and a good way […]


Ubuntu: My day-to-day Linux commands

And now a bit of the day-to-day Linux commands I use in Ubuntu  ls -l This the most common command that all *nix users use to show the file(s) in list format. rm -rf <filename(s)> To delete a file, use this command. Be careful, no retrieval will help you to get your file. /etc/init.d/networking restart I […]

Software Technical

Testing Remote access to Exchange with Microsoft Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer

The Microsoft Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer is awesome tool for troubleshooting Exchange external access. If you are setting up a new Exchange environment and want to test remotely, this is the tool for you.

How-To Software

I Installed Webmin on Ubuntu Server

Webmin is a web interface for configuring your linux box. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more, and all can be done remotely.  I am new to this and will update more as time goes by.  For now this is rather nice But first you […]



Console-based ethernet statistics monitor.Ethstatus is a console-based monitoring utility for displaying statistical data of the ethernet interface on a quantity basis. It is similar to iptraf but is meant to run as a permanent console task to monitor the network load. Install Ethstatus in Ubuntu sudo apt-get install ethstatus If you want to see your […]