How-To Software Technical

Using DD for disk cloning

Using one of the built in commands in Linux I decided to clone a drive. Unlike in Windows this does not require the use or purchase of a tool or software. The command dd is used to make a block-level copy of the hard drive. The command can be used to clone one drive to another […]

How-To Software Technical

Windows 8 file history feature

File history is a new way to back up your files and it keeps a chronological history of the files in your document libraries. All you need to do is activate and turn it on. Steps to enable this feature: From Start Screen, type “File History”, click on settings in right pane, click on File […]

How-To News Software Technical

‘in-depth’ with the Windows 8 task manager

One of the newest features in Windows 8 is the new Task Manager. Microsoft gave the Task Manager a complete overhaul that includes several performance tools to help you optimize your PC. In an official blog post, Microsoft goes over these optimization tips. Microsoft has also posted up a video that showcases these tips in […]

News Technical

Active Directory Replication Status Tool

The Active Directory Replication Status Tool (ADREPLSTATUS) analyzes the replication status for domain controllers in an Active Directory domain or forest. The Active Directory Replication Status Tool (ADREPLSTATUS) analyzes the replication status for domain controllers in an Active Directory domain or forest. ADREPLSTATUS displays data in a format that is similar to REPADMIN /SHOWREPL * […]

Software Technical

How secure are the apps you use on Smart Phones

In my last post I wrote a very brief how-to on how to Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler by making it a network proxy. I did just that and the results for a few app’s have upset me. Mainly because it exposes not only my password and user id, it exposed the content […]

How-To Software

Capture Traffic from Smart Devices with Fiddler

This method applies to any device on your network where you can change the values of the network proxy. I sought out this information with the intent to learn how secure are some of the the mobile applications I had been using day to day were. And when I’m sick with a head-cold the mind […]